Dear Families and Colleagues,

I am glad you have visited us and I encourage you to spend some time looking around our website and learning more about our wonderful school.

The children at St Matthew's are the reason our school exists. Our children have a contagious enthusiasm for life and learning, and this is a wonderful example to us all.

St Matthew's boasts a team of dedicated teachers who are highly committed to Catholic Education. Together they facilitate learning so that the children work towards reaching academic and human excellence in a faith-filled community.

The supportive parent community of St Matthew's works in partnership with our school to provide so much for our children.

I invite you to consider how a St Matthew's education might help your child to develop a strong mind and gentle heart.

Ben Ticehurst

Ben Ticehurst Principal St Matthew's Catholic Primary Windsor
Our Vision and Mission

At St Matthew's our students are challenged to be the best they can be – socially, spiritually, academically and physically.

Our Difference

Our learning community has so much to offer your child! Discover all the benefits of a St Matthew's education.

Our Dedicated Teachers

Our dedicated teaching staff are committed to transforming the lives of every student, every day.

The Learning Journey

With a strong focus on learning how to learn, our school puts the growth of each individual child at the heart of schooling. St Matthew's is a place of wonder, exploration and endless possibilities.

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